Spring is awesome with Clazziquai.

My allergies are kicking in and if nothing else is good about them, they are an absolute way of telling the Spring is - finally - here. I have to resist the constant urge to rub my eyes because they are itching. I don't like this part. Just if you didn't know.

The Spring generally causes a few things in me, both physically and mentally. 
First, well, obviously, there are my allergies. I already said that.

Second...ly, I start rummaging through my wardrobe and can't find anything nice to wear, or find everything too 'not me', 'fit for winter' and 'when did I ever get this? Ew'. 

Thirdly - and this is not even necessarily my fault - clothing stores suddenly get awesome. I need this, I want that, I don't need them but gosh I want those so bad. If I were anymore vain than I already am I'd probably cry myself to sleep thinking of this very specific coat I saw in Zara. (I told you I should not be allowed there ever.) 

And finally - as if I haven't complained or talked about this enough - I become increasingly aware of my relationship status. Bla bla bla, being single is awesome and fun and shit, but - let's face it - I sort of have a problem of only finding cool guys from abroad. I don't even know what it is. 
I pretty much freaked out in a happy state yesterday after spotting THREE good looking guys during the day. In Helsinki. During a four hour time period!

And I don't know if you could actually say that it's because I'm too picky, etc., 'I'm sure there are tons of good looking guys in Helsinki but you're such a no life you never see them, foo' - I tend to drool after people my friends look at and go '... are you serious? HIM?'. So. Yah. Ok maybe I'm a little bit picky.

So I'm doomed for life. YAY.
Hahahahaha ok, maybe not. I think I'm going to take a nap.


Anonymous said...

Better to be picky than end up in loads of crappy flings.

With you on the Spring stores too, argh I want most stuff.

rreetta said...

A fantastic point!

ME TOO. I want a money tree plsthankyouverymuch.