Mock Abduction

So I survived the dentist's appointment with "...well there's nothing here, everything's fine" - line (thank you, thank you) and I even survived the weekend without getting sick, even though mom did cough in my general direction awfully lot. I also survived today's english matriculation examination, I think. It was quite the challenge, all the texts were from magazines such as Time etc., so the level of vocabulary... well, I think it's safe to say you don't need to use words such as dubious and coup in your everyday language. Gosh darn petty details.

Grimmer news, my grandfather died last night and it hasn't really hit me yet.


Fickle Cattle said...

I like using the word dubious. I don't know when I last used the word coup though.

I am Fickle Cattle.

Iida said...

Onnea hammaslääkärin lausunnosta! Mä oon todella vainoharhainen hampaitteni suhteen ja menin keväällä hammaslääkärille vakuuttuneena että porataan, paikataan ja revitään joka suuntaan niin että veri lentää, mutta sanoikin vaan että "erinomaisessa kunnossa se ois sitte 70e" (toivotaan ettei ollu valelääkäri.)

Ja kurjaa tuo isoisä :<

rreetta said...

I think I like the word dubious. I just don't speak English enough to use it daily.

Kiitos kiitos :3 Ja yh hammaslääkärit.